If you attempt to load a different preset without saving your custom kit, DW Soundworks will prompt you to save the kit. In this prompt, you can also name your new custom preset.
By following these steps, you can successfully save your custom kit (preset) in DW Soundworks, ensuring that your modifications and preferences are retained for future sessions.
Confirm Loaded Preset:
Open DW Soundworks and make sure a preset is already loaded.
Make Desired Modifications:
You can make various modifications such as clearing the kit, editing individual instruments, or assigning new instruments to existing ones. Adjust settings like mic groups, EQ, effects, routing, and other parameters to your preference.
Prepare for Saving:
Once you have completed all your desired modifications and edits, it's time to save your custom kit.
Access Save Option:
- Navigate to the Kit View (or the Cell View) page where you have made your modifications.
- Locate the circle ellipses icon (three dots) situated to the left of the Kit View/Cell View buttons.
Select "Save Drum Kit":
- Click on the circle ellipses icon to open a drop-down menu.
- From the drop-down menu, choose "Save Drum Kit."
- A dialog box will appear, allowing you to name and save your custom kit.
Name and Save the Kit:
- In the dialog box, enter a name for your custom kit.
- Click the "Save" button to save your custom kit with the specified name.
Prompt to Save Kit on Preset Change:
If you attempt to load a different preset without saving your custom kit, DW Soundworks will prompt you to save the kit. In this prompt, you can also name your new custom preset.
Access Your Custom Kit:
When you open the Kit Browser in DW Soundworks, your newly saved custom kit will be added to the list of presets, making it easily accessible for future use.