1. Switch to the "Options" tab within the DWe Control app to access further customization options.
2. Different drums and cymbals offer distinct options to refine your drumming experience.
Snare Drum Options
1. Adjust "LED On Hit" to illuminate the LED upon striking the snare drum.
2. Toggle Rim Zone, Rimshot Zone, and Cross Stick Zone on or off as needed.
3. Use "Pitch Bend" to enable pitch modulation by pressing and striking the drum.
4. Explore "Positional Sensing" options for achieving center-to-edge sound transitions.
5. "Throw-Off" on/off enables snares-off sound or alternate sounds for enhanced versatility.
Tom and Bass Drum Options
1. Toms offer similar options to the snare, including "LED On Hit" and "Pitch Bend."
2. Bass drum options include "LED On Hit."
Cymbal Options
1. Cymbal options include "LED On Hit" and "FSR Auto Calibration" for edge triggers.
2. FSR Auto Calibration ensures an even playing experience by automatically adjusting trigger levels for consistency.
Hi-Hat Options
1. Hi-hat options include "LED On Hit" for visual feedback.
By following these steps and exploring the advanced trigger settings in the DWe Control app, you can fine-tune your electronic drum kit's response to match your playing style and achieve the desired level of expressiveness and realism in your drumming.