Kit View:
• Default view when DW Soundworks is launched.
• Displays a graphic representation of the currently selected
drum kit.
• Shows the sounds and other parameters assigned to each instrument in the kit.
• When the DW e-drums are played, the drums and cymbals are animated to illustrate which instrument is being played.
• You can click on each instrument using your cursor to trigger its sound.
• This view is useful for quickly auditioning and editing sounds, especially if you're away from the drum kit or using DW Soundworks as a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) plug- in.
• Note that mouse clicks in this view do not affect the volume (velocity) of the triggered sound. In other words, it triggers sound at a consistent velocity.
Cell View:
• Displays 30 individual cells in a layout reminiscent of a drum machine or MIDI pad controller.
• Each cell represents the current sound assignment based on the selected drum kit.
• Like Kit View, you can click on each cell to trigger the corresponding sound.
• One significant difference in Cell View is that the volume (velocity) of the triggered sound can be adjusted by moving the cursor up or down within the cell while clicking. This allows you to vary the intensity or strength of the sound, which is a common feature in electronic drum kits and MIDI controllers.